A | ah | Padre/papa | Father |
B | beh | Bota | Boot |
C | seh | c = k before the following three vowels: a, o, u Casa, Cosa, Cuna ============================= c = s before the following two vowels: e, i Septiembre Similar | Khaki Koala Kudos ======= September Similar |
CH | Che | It is pronounced like the English ch. Che | Churro Church |
D | deh | Donar | Donate |
E | eh | Elefante | Elephant |
F | ehfeh | Fabuloso | Fabulous |
G | heh | g = g in “gap” before the following three vowels: a, o, u Galante ================= g = h in ”honey” before the following two vowels: e, i General Girasol | Gap ============= Home |
H | ahcheh | The “h” is always completely silent. | |
I | (ee) | Iguana | Iguana |
J | hota | Jabón | J is pronounced like h as in hey! |
K | kah | Kilo | Kilo |
L | ehleh | Lenguaje | Language |
LL | ehyeh | Llave | ll is pronounced like y as in yes! |
M | ehmeh | Madre | Mother |
N | ehneh | No | No |
Ñ | It is pronounced like the “ny” combination in the word canyon. | Cañon | Canyon |
O | oh | Original | Original |
P | peh | Poem | Poema |
Q | coo | q is pronounced like k (u is silent after q as in que ) | Kenia |
R | ehreh | Vocabulario | Vocabulary |
RR | ehrreh | Rosa (is strongly pronounced) | Rose |
S | ehseh | Saturno | Saturn |
T | teh | Teléfono | telephone |
U | Oo (like in book) | Bueno | Book |
V | veh | vista | view |
W | dohbleh veh dohbleh Oo | Washington | The “w” is a letter borrowed from English and is found only in words borrowed from other languages. Washington |
X | ehkees | Examen | Exam |
Y | ee-gri-eh-gah | Hoy When y is at the end of the word is pronounce like i in machine. =============== Ya when y is at the beginning of the word, it functions as a consonant and sounds like the y in English. | machine ========== Yellow |
Z | se-ta | z = s Zapato | sit |